Any kind of performance, instrumentation or implementation is possible.
Use it like a score, in which you as the performer decide what every symbol, structure
and colour means. If you come up with a transmission, do stick to it all the way through.
Make it your own unique interpretation.
There are no boundaries really. Simply do as you like!
what for
Think of it as a playground, in which you are given different materials and are now set
free to work with in whatever way you want. To guarantee a certain formal and dramatic
development stay true to the instructions you decided upon beforehand.
This is meant to put you in charge and allow you to be creative.
All graphics are ink drawings (A3 on paper) made by Torsten Pfeffer in 2020. They
represent a graphic translation of a musical piece that had been written in 2019.
The piece consits of five parts.
Play with me!
Grafische Komposition in fünf Sätzen
- Scan von fünf farbigen, handgefertigten Tuschezeichnungen
von Torsten Pfeffer - Parameter sind frei einer Aktion zuzuorden
- kann musikalisch oder und außermusikalisch (z.Bsp. Tanz)
umgesetzt werden - kreativer Impulsgeber für eine Performance jeder Art
- die kompositorische Einheit gewährleistet die Gesamtdramaturgie
- Dauer und Umsetzung frei
- Spielpartitur handschriftlich, 9 Seiten
- PDF Hochformat Farbe, A3
- Scan von fünf farbigen, handgefertigten Tuschezeichnungen